ACS - products are really environment friendly I did Acupressure course from ACS Research center. It is a great course. Right now I manage a center myself - John Massey
I did Acupressure course from ACS research center. It is a great course. Right now I manage a center myself - Matheus
I have used all the products of acupressure bought from ACS health care center. for my clinic . - James Nicole
Website and online buying facilities are nice . - Elizabeth
Acupressure Course has given me an invaluable change to help others, making them happier & the dynamic method are a great boon to the field. - Shravan Choudhary
I used ACS Mat for treatment. it is very comfortable to use and my health becomes good. - ACS
I have completed course from Acupressure Research and training institute under P.P.Sharma. I understand it well. - Durgesh
"Learning and exploring new ways with Acupressure Institute is really a marvelous experience. After this I am blessed by all round success." - Dinesh
After doing Acupressure Course you can give treatment to your self and to other also. - Anil Choudhary
I used ACS Mat for treatment. it is very comfortable to use and my health becomes good. ACS product are very best and effective for health. - Bhomraj Choudhary
In every city there should be camp organize. Those who are new candidate do them practical - Theory should be practice or should be taught to them by Rakesh Sharma & B.R.Choudhary - Parmod Kumar
Office services/Faculty/Institute/Classroom is good and excellent. Also provide services after the completion of course by whatsapp and health time. - Sayed Anwar Ali
I am satisfy with your services and also recommended to my family and relatives - Bapuji M Lakhe
This is very good camp Class, I learnt lot of things on meridian (Acu - Point ) topic - Thanks Sharma & B. R. Choudhary - Suman Alwar
Shri. B.R.Choudhary course faculty provide by you there was lots of employment for us very very thankful. - Sukharam Prabhakar
All the best whole of the training period 27 Jan ,2018 to 2 Feb ,2018 Become very dispend , Happy fully, Attractive and knowledge fully all the best every one. Arrangement was good, Books, Charts are excellent practical is sufficient - Chander Pal Sharma
Thank you for conducting such a good camp - Shrya Gadiya
Acupressure/Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Institure
Subscription : Corresp. Fees $150 or 6500 Regular Fees $300 or 11500
The discovery of the body correspondence systems on the hands and feet brought to existence the sujok therapy method.
Until now we have never ceased to wonder how the hands and feet are similar to the human body in their structure. This is mysterious similarity in deed. And it is especially evident in the structure of the hands which are constantly before our eyes. Probably, this is meant to draw man’s attention and to contribute to the soonest discovery of these systems.
The similarity of the hand to the body carries the intention to bring this knowledge to human beings so that they understand begin to use these correspondence systems for targeted stimulation.
Also, the similarity of the hand to the body plays an exclusive role because it allows to understand that other body parts and internal organs have their own correspondence systems as we. This leads to the conclusion that the Homo-system of the human body does exist, being an integral part of the hierarchical Homo-system of the Universe.
The main objective of this course is to help everyone feel the presence of the Spirit of Love which through the hands and feet informs people about the existence of the Homo-system of the body, to convey knowledge about the standard correspondence systems of the hands and feet and about the possibility of using them on one’s own in order to maintain health. This is exactly the task of Sujok therapy.
Su-Jok Acupressure Therapy
The Su-Jok Thearpy is a part of acupressure. The meridians of the body are microscopically on the hands as well. Which is called the Byol Meridian.
The meridians are channels or chi conducting vessels along which "chi" or life-energy circulate throughout the body. The meridians are symmetrical and bilateral. Around 361 points are located along meridians,the disease is cured by giving treatment is done with help of pressure techniques and applying Byol magnets, colour, stone, stimulator, and seed.
Master Diploma in Su Jok Acu Therapy(M.D.Sujok)
Senior Secondary or equal & Experience in Su-Jok Therapy or any Diploma Course in Alternative Therapy.
Minimum 18 years.
Course Mode
Mode Type
I. Postal - (Hard Copy)
II. Online - (Software)
I. Postal - You can do it at home. Institute will send you Books, charts, instruments & after completion of the course, one test will be conducted. Question paper along with the answer option will be sent to you & you have to submit answer for getting your certificate. you can clear your doubts through E-mail or What'sApp.
II. Online - You can do this course on the Internet / Online also. We can provide you the study material / lessons on your Screen, Software ID. you can clear your doubts through E-mail or What'sApp.
Four Months (The whole process will be done within four months).
Rs. 6500 (For India) or $ 150 (For foreign) Correspondence (Distance Learning) Local training Internship charges will be extra.
Course Mode
Mode Type
I. Class - Workshop
II. Class at Centre
III. Class - Online (Software & Lecturer)
Workshop - Classes of special workshop, theory & practical with study material kit. (6 Days, Daily 3 Hours = Total 18 Hr.)
Center - Classes at Institute or authorized centers. (18 hr.)
Online - Classes by Acupressure guru Software & Zoom App. (10 Days, Daily 2 Hours = Total 20 Hr.)
Two months (The whole process will be done within two months)
Rs. 12500 (For India) or $ 325 (For foreign) Regular.
NOTE:1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium. 2. The course can be done by regular or correspondence. 3. Your one photograph, I.D. proof, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the application form. 4. You will be given a certificate after completion of the course. 5. You can deposit cash or cheque in ACUPRESSURE ACUPUNCTURE AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SANSTHAN, to AXIS Bank a/c. no. 920010057502810 & State Bank Of India a/c No. 39656178070. 6. Boarding & Lodging facilities will be provided at your own expense. 7.If you are interested in Practical classes (for Correspondence-without study kit & without certificate) the facility is provided at our center/workshop / authorized center for 6 days on the extra subscription of Rs.6500 (For India) & $ 150 (For foreign).8. The Charges for instruments, literature, chart & books will be included for candidates.
Main features of this course
a) You can become a therapist or start your own center.
b) You can get a job/service in a naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment therapy center.
c) You can choose the profession of Su-Jok Therapy Treatment.
d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.
e) World Su-Jok Association has approved this system.
f) You can get an award if your work is excellent in this field.
Su Jok Master Course Level - II Special Reference to Byol Meridian & Energies
Human Body - Anatomy & Physiology.
Definition of Acupressure.
Classification of Acupressure.
Chinese Five Elements Principal.
Concept of Yin-Yang - Energy (Qi). Six Ki Energy Theory.
Introduction of Homo, Hetero, Nutro.
Adv. Correspondence System & Classical Meridian.
Correspondence of Meridians (Byol Meridian 12+2=14 Channel).