I have undergone treatment for Cervical Spondylitis from Acupressure Research , Training and Treatment Institute and got unbealiveable result. - Anil
I take a treatment from a therapist which is useful in our clinic - Ravi
There is a revolutionary campaign in the field of health. - Santosh Kumar Fauzdar
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Helpline: 90799-38462
1. All appointments for consultations must be booked in advance. Expected waiting time is 3 to 7 days. In case of emergency you will be given topmost priority.
2. The consultation, alternative medicine & instrument charges must be paid in advance.
3. All cases (in person or online) are supervised by Institute Trained Team. If you are unable to visit the institute personally or staying in a far off place you can still ‘meet or contact’ institute team by email, telephone or by cyber conference