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01. Disease of Eye
02. Disease of Ear
03. Disease of Nose
04. Disease of Mouth
05. Spine
06. Frozen Shoulder and pain, Brachial Neuritis
07. Heart
08. Skeletal and Muscular Diseases
09. Respiratory Diseases
10. Digestive Diorders
11. Kidney
12. Gynic Disease
13. Male Diseases
14. Nervous System Disease
15. Mentaly
16. Weight Relative Problem
17. Hair Problem
18. Endocrine Glands

  • I have undergone treatment for Cervical Spondylitis from Acupressure Research , Training and Treatment Institute and got unbealiveable result.
    - Anil

  • I take a treatment from a therapist which is useful in our clinic
    - Ravi

  • There is a revolutionary campaign in the field of health.
    - Santosh Kumar Fauzdar

Helpline: 90799-38462

1. All appointments for consultations must be booked in advance. Expected waiting time is 3 to 7 days. In case of emergency you will be given topmost priority.

2. The consultation, alternative medicine & instrument charges must be paid in advance.

3. All cases (in person or online) are supervised by Institute Trained Team. If you are unable to visit the institute personally or staying in a far off place you can still ‘meet or contact’ institute team by email, telephone or by cyber conference

Category Name
Code Disease Name Fees
01. Disease of Eye
Cataract 10 300
Colour Blindness 10 300
Day Blindness 10 300
Diplopia 10 300
Glaucoma 10 300
Hypermetropia-Long Sightness 10 300
Myopia-Short Sightess 10 300
Night Blindness 10 300
02. Disease of Ear
Crack 10 300
Deafness 10 300
Tinnitus 10 300
03. Disease of Nose
Acute Sinusitis 10 300
Chronic headcolds 10 300
Cold 10 300
Epistaxis 10 300
Hay Fever 10 300
Sinusitis 10 300
Wasomotor Phinorrhoes 10 300
04. Disease of Mouth
Adenoids 10 300
Dryness of Mouth 10 300
Gingivitis 10 300
Goiter 10 300
Pyria 10 300
Sore Throat 10 300
Tonsillitis 10 300
Tooth Ache 10 300
05. Spine
Back Pains 10 300
Cervical Spondylosis-Cervical Prolapsed 10 300
Lumbago 10 300
Slippes-Prolapsed Disc 10 300
Stiff Neck 10 300
06. Frozen Shoulder and pain, Brachial Neuritis
Cramp in Calf 10 300
Feet and Leg Pains 10 300
Foot Drop 10 300
Leg Pains 10 300
Sciatica 10 300
Tennis Elbow 10 300
07. Heart
Angina Pectoris 10 300
Hypertension-High Blood Pressure 10 300
Low Blood Pressure-Hypotension 10 300
Valvular Disorders 10 300
Varicose Veins 10 300
08. Skeletal and Muscular Diseases
Ankylosing Spondylitis 10 300
Arthritis 10 300
Bursitis 10 300
Gout 10 300
Junevile Chronic Arthritis 10 300
Oste-Arthritis 10 300
Osteomalacia 10 300
Osteoporesis 10 300
Pain in the Knees 10 300
Rheumatic Arthritis 10 300
Rheumatic Fever 10 300
Soft Tissue and Muscular Rheumatism 10 300
09. Respiratory Diseases
Allergies 10 300
Asthma 10 300
Bronchitis 10 300
Cough 10 300
Diseases of Lungs 10 300
Inter-Costal Neurrrralgia 10 300
Pleurisy 10 300
Tuberculosis 10 300
10. Digestive Diorders
Abdominal Pain 10 300
Acidity 10 300
Anal Fistula 10 300
Constipation 10 300
Disease of the Liver 10 300
Diseases of the Gall Bladder 10 300
Duodenum Colon Small Intestine Appendix Disease 10 300
Gastritis 10 300
Hernia 10 300
Hiccup 10 300
Piles-Hemorrhoids 10 300
Solar Plexus 10 300
Stomach 10 300
11. Kidney
Bed-Wetting 10 300
Diabetes 10 300
Enlarged Prostrate Gland 10 300
Kidney Stone 10 300
Stones in the Urinaary Bladder 10 300
Various Diseas of Kidney 10 300
12. Gynic Disease
Dysmenorrhea 10 300
Leucorrhoea 10 300
Mastitis 10 300
Menopause 10 300
menstruation 10 300
Metritis 10 300
Miscarriage-Spontaneous Abortion 10 300
Ovaralgia 10 300
Prolapsed Uterus 10 300
Sterility 10 300
Vaginitis 10 300
13. Male Diseases
Diseases of Testis 10 300
Enlarged Prostate Gland 10 300
Impotence 10 300
Loss of Sexual Desire 10 300
Premature Ehaculaation 10 300
Sterility 10 300
14. Nervous System Disease
Cerebral Palsy 10 300
Epilepsy 10 300
Meningitis 10 300
Multiple Sclerosis 10 300
Musculaar Dystrophy 10 300
Myopathy 10 300
Paralysis-Stroke 10 300
Parkinson Disease 10 300
Polio-Poliomyelitis 10 300
15. Mentaly
Anxiety 10 300
Depression 10 300
Headache 10 300
Hysteria 10 300
Mental Tension 10 300
Phobia 10 300
Vertigo 10 300
16. Weight Relative Problem
Weight Gain-Obesity 10 300
Weight Loss 10 300
17. Hair Problem
18. Endocrine Glands
Adrenal Gland 10 300
Ovaries 10 300
Pancreas 10 300
Parathyroid Glands 10 300
Pineal Gland 10 300
Pituitary Glands 10 300
Testis 10 300
Thymus Gland 10 300
Thyroid Gland 10 300
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