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Certificate Course in Acupressure (C.C.A.)
Diploma in Acupressure Therapy (D.A.T.)
Diploma in Auricular Therapy (D.Aur.T.)
Diploma in Face Reflexology (D.F.R.)
Diploma in Reflexology (D.R.T)
Diploma in Spine Reflexology (D.S.R.)
Master Diploma in Acupressure Therapy (M.D.Acu.)
Master Diploma in Micro Acupressure / Acupuncture (M.D.M.Ac.)
Master Diploma in Varma Therapy (M.D.Vr.T.)
Super Advance Course in Acupressure (S.Adv.Acu.)
Super Advance Course in Acupressure Therapy (S.Adv.Acu.)
Diploma in Su Jok Acu. Therapy (D.S.T.)
Master Diploma in Su Jok Acu Therapy (M.D.Sujok)
Master Diploma in Sujok Acupuncture (M.D.S.Ac.)
Super Advance Course in Sujok Acupressure (S.Adv.SJ.)
Diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure (D.Ay.A.)
Master Diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure (M.D.Ay.A.)
Diploma in Electro Acupuncture (D.E.Acu.)
Diploma in Acupuncture (D.Ac.) Level - I
Diploma in Cosmetic Acupuncture (D.C.Ac.)
Diploma in Ear Acupuncture - Auricology (D.E.Ac.)
Diploma In Scalp Acupuncture (D.S.Ac.)
Master Diploma in Acupuncture (M.D.Ac.) Level-II
Master Diploma in Hand Acupuncture (M.D.H.Ac.)
Super Advance Course in Acupuncture (S.Adv.Ac.) Level III
Diploma in Cupping Therapy - Dry (D.Cup.T-Dry)
Diploma in Hijama Therapy (D.H.T.)
Master Diploma in Cupping Therapy (M.D.Cup.)
Master Diploma in Hijjama Therapy (M.D.H.T.)
Diploma in Gua Sha Therapy (D.Gu.T)
Master Diploma in Gua Sha Therapy (M.D.Gu.T.)
Diploma in Jyotish Shastra (D.Jy.S)
Diploma in Numerology (D.Nu.)
Master Diploma in Jyotish Shastra (M.D.Jy.S)
Diploma in Magnetic Therapy (D.M.T.)
Master Diploma in Magnet Therapy (M.D.Mag.) Level- II
Diploma in Acu. Yoga (D.A.Y.)
Diploma in Yoga Therapy (D.Y.T.)
Master Diploma in Yoga Therapy (M.D.Yoga)
Diploma in Reiki Healing (D.R.H)
Grand Master Course in Reiki Healing (G.M.Reiki)
Master Degree in Reiki III & M.Degree (M.D.Reiki)
Diploma in Diet & Nutrition (D.D.N.)
Master Diploma in Diet & Nutrition (M.D.D.N.)
Master Diploma in Food Therapy (M.D.F.T)
Diploma in Alternative Medicine (D.A.M.)
Master Diploma in Alternative Medicine (M.D.A.M.)
Diploma in Pancha Karma (D.P.K.)
Master Diploma in Pancha Karma (M.D.P.K.)
Diploma Integrated Modern Vaastu (D.I.M.V.)
Diploma in Feng-Shui (D.F.S.)
Diploma in Pyra Vaastu (D.P.V.)
Diploma in Pyramid Healing (D.P.H.)
Diploma in Vaastu Shastra (D.V.S.)
Master Diploma in Vaastu Shastra + (M.D.Vastu)
Diploma in Bach Flower (D.B.F.)
Master Diploma in Bach Flower (M.D.B.F.)
Diploma in Bio Chemic (D.Bi.C.)
Master Diploma in Bio Chemic (M.D.Bi.C.)
Diploma in Medicinal Massage Therapy (D.Ma.T.)
Master Diploma in Medicinal Massage Therapy (M.D.Ma.T)
Certificate Course In Beauty Care (C.B.C.)
Diploma in Beauty Care (D.B.C.)
Diploma in Cosmetology -Trichology Therapy (D.C.T.T.)
Master Diploma in Beauty Care (M.D.B.C.)
Diploma in Bone Setting Techniques (D.B.T.)
Diploma in Chiropractic Technique (D.Ch.T)
Diploma in Dry Needling (D.Dr.N)
Diploma in Dry Needling (D.Dr.N)
Diploma in Kinesio Taping (D.K.T.)
Master Diploma in Chiropractic Techniques (M.D.Ch.T.)
Master Diploma in Dry Needling (M.D.Dr.N)
Advance Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (A.D.N.Y.S)
Diploma in Naturopathy (D.N.)
Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (D.N.Y.S.)
Master Diploma in Naturopathy & Yogic Science (M.D.N.Y.S.)
Diploma in Neuro Therapy (D.Neu.T.)
Master Diploma in Neuro Therapy (M.D.Neu.T.)
Diploma in Aroma Therapy (D.Ar.T.)
Diploma in Chakra Meditation (D.C.M.)
Diploma in Colour Therapy (D.C.T.)
Diploma in Crystal Healing (D.Cr.H. )
Diploma in Diagnosis
Diploma in Herbal Remedies (D.H.R.)
Diploma in Hypnosis Therapy (D.Hy.T.)
Diploma in Nadi Vigyan (D.N.V.)
Diploma in Navel Therapy (D.N.T.)
Diploma in Shiatsu Therapy (D.Sh.T)
Diploma in Sound Therapy (D.So.T.)
Master Diploma in Diagnosis (M.D.Dag.)
Acupressure Ratna Award
Acupressure Shiromani Award
Doctor of Science Award
Gem of Pyramid Award
Gold Medal Award
Life Time Achievment
Silver Medal Award
Vaastu Ratna Award
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  • ACS - products are really environment friendly I did Acupressure course from ACS Research center. It is a great course. Right now I manage a center myself
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  • I did Acupressure course from ACS research center. It is a great course. Right now I manage a center myself
    - Matheus

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    - ACS

  • I have completed course from Acupressure Research and training institute under P.P.Sharma. I understand it well.
    - Durgesh

  • "Learning and exploring new ways with Acupressure Institute is really a marvelous experience. After this I am blessed by all round success."
    - Dinesh

  • After doing Acupressure Course you can give treatment to your self and to other also.
    - Anil Choudhary

  • I used ACS Mat for treatment. it is very comfortable to use and my health becomes good. ACS product are very best and effective for health.
    - Bhomraj Choudhary

  • In every city there should be camp organize. Those who are new candidate do them practical - Theory should be practice or should be taught to them by Rakesh Sharma & B.R.Choudhary
    - Parmod Kumar

  • Office services/Faculty/Institute/Classroom is good and excellent. Also provide services after the completion of course by whatsapp and health time.
    - Sayed Anwar Ali

  • I am satisfy with your services and also recommended to my family and relatives
    - Bapuji M Lakhe

  • This is very good camp Class, I learnt lot of things on meridian (Acu - Point ) topic - Thanks Sharma & B. R. Choudhary
    - Suman Alwar

  • Shri. B.R.Choudhary course faculty provide by you there was lots of employment for us very very thankful.
    - Sukharam Prabhakar

  • All the best whole of the training period 27 Jan ,2018 to 2 Feb ,2018 Become very dispend , Happy fully, Attractive and knowledge fully all the best every one. Arrangement was good, Books, Charts are excellent practical is sufficient
    - Chander Pal Sharma

  • Thank you for conducting such a good camp
    - Shrya Gadiya

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    - Abhishek Sharma

Course Holder

Helpline: 94148-32852

Acupressure/Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Institure


Subscription : Corresp. Fees $100 or 4500 Regular Fees $180 or 8500

PANCHKARMA : As the name suggests, Pancha in Sanskrit stands for five and Karma is the therapeutic measures, therefore Panchakarma means five types of therapeutic measures. These five therapeutic measures are undertaken for the purification of the body. The logic being that as a cloth needs to be purified or cleaned of impurities and dust before it can be permeated with a new color, similarly the body needs to be purified before it can be permeated with new colors of youthfulness, health and vigor etc. In fact, most of the time, Panchakarma is an end in itself rather than a prelude to other therapeutic measures.The Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda is comprised of five basic types of advanced treatment for the evacuation of vitiated Dosha (toxic materials) from the body. One can consider this as a body de-tox program. There are so many subtypes of this therapy and different types of herbal massages, fomentation's such as steam, external oil treatments, Basti (medicated enemas), Virechana (purgation through herbs), Vamana (emesis through herbs), Nasya (nasal administration of oils) etc. are also incorporated. These practices are extremely helpful in relieving deep seated diseases as well as being beneficial for maintaining and improving physical and mental health.

Purvakarma :  Before the actual operation of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed methods to encourage the release of toxins. The two procedures are Snehana and Swedana.

Snehana (Oleation) : (Abhyangam) is the oil massage. Oil is applied to the entire body with a particular type of massage which helps the toxins to move towards the gastro-intestinal tract. Oil massage also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and to nourish the nervous system. Snehana is given daily for three to seven days, as indicated.

Swedana (Steam) : Swedana is sudation or sweating and is given every day immediately following the Snehana. An herbal concoction may be added to the steam to further loosen the toxins from the individual. Swedana liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastro-intestinal tract.

Pradhanakarma :  Main Purification measures of Panchakarma.

Vamana: Emesis Therapy : When there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, colds, cough or asthma, the Ayurvedic treatment is therapeutic vomiting - Vamana, to eliminate the Kapha whic is causing the excess mucus.

Virechana: Purgation Therapy : When excess bile, Pitta, is secreted and accumulated in the gall bladder, liver and small intestine, it tends to result in rashes, skin inflammation, acne, chronic attacks of fever, vomiting, nausea and jaundice. Ayurvedic literature suggests in these conditions the administration of therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative.

Nasya: Nasal Administration : The nose is the doorway to the brain and it is also the doorway to consciousness. The nasal administration of medication is called Nasya. An excess of bodily humors accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas is eliminated by means of the nearest possible opening, the nose.

Basti: Enema Therapy : Vata's predominant site is the colon. Ayurvedic Basti involves the introduction into the rectum of herbal concoctions of sesame oil, and certain herbal preparations in a liquid medium. Basti, is the most effective treatment of Vata disorders, although many enemas over a prescribed period of time are usually required. It relieves constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other pains in the joints. Many other Vata disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasms and headaches may also be treated with Basti. Basti therapy is divided in two main types - Anuvasana Basti - medicated oil enemas and Niruha Basti - medicated enema of decoctions and medicated oils. 




PANCHAKARMA: Which includes five major procedures is meant to purify the whole body by eliminating the accumulated toxins from it. This package includes treatments like Virechana (Purgation), Vamana (Emesis), Snehavasthi (Medicated Oil Enema), Kashayavasti (medicated decoction enema) & Nasya (Nasal Administration). The specialty of this treatment is that it can be administered both in a healthy, as well as the diseased person.
 Diploma in Pancha Karma (D.P.K.)
 Secondary or equal or Practical experience in Pancha Karma.
AGE  :
 Minimum 18 years.

   Course Mode 


  Mode Type

   I. Postal - (Hard Copy)

  II. Online - (Software

I. Postal - You can do it at home. Our institute will send you the Books, Charts, Instrument. After completion, of the course,  one test will be conducted. Question paper along with an answer option will be sent to you & you have to submit the answer for getting your certificate. you can clear your doubts through E-mail or WhatsApp.

 II. Online - You can do this course on the internet/Online also. We can provide you the study material/lessons on your Screen, Software ID & you can clear your doubts through E-mail or WhatsApp.

DURATION :  Two Months (The whole process will be done within two months)
SUBSCRIPTION FEES : Rs. 4500 (For India) or $ 100 (For Foreign). Correspondence (Distance Learning). Local training charges will be extra.

 Course Mode


Mode Type

  I. Class - Workshop

  II. Class at Centre

  III. Class Online (Software & Lecturer) 

Workshop - Classes of special workshop, theory & practical with study material kit. (3 Days, Daily 3 Hours = Total 9 Hr.) 

Center - Classes at Institute or authorized local centers. ( 9 Hr.) 

Online - Classes by Acupressure guru Software & Zoom App. (5 Days, Daily 2 Hours = Total 10 Hr)

DURATION  : One month (The whole process will be done within one month)
SUBSCRIPTION FEES : Rs. 7500 (For India) or $ 180 (For Foreign). Regular.   

NOTE: 1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium. 2. The course can be done by regular or correspondence. 3. Your one photograph, ID Proof, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the application form. 4. You will be given a certificate after completion of the course. 5. You can deposit cash or cheque in ACUPRESSURE ACUPUNCTURE AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SANSTHAN, to AXIS Bank a/c. no. 920010057502810 & State Bank Of India a/c No. 39656178070.  6. Boarding & Lodging facilities will be provided at your own expense.  7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for Correspondence-without study kit & without certificate) the facility is provided at our center/workshop/authorized center for 3 days on extra subscription Rs. 4500 (For India) & $ 100 (For foreign). 8. Charges for instruments, literature, chart & books will be included for candidates.

Main features of this course 

 a) You can become a therapist.

 b) You can get a job/service in any naturopathy hospital or alternative treatment therapy clinic.

 c) You can choose the profession of Pancha Karma Therapy.

 d) You can help your family as well as others by treating them free of cost.

 e) World health organization of Geneva has approved this system.  

 f) You can get an award / Appreciation if your work is excellent in this field.

(Pancha Karma with Special Reference to 5 Karma)
1. Human Anatomy 2. Shirodhara, Vashpa Sweda
3. Vomiting - Vaman   Karma 4. Virachana  karma  
5. Vasti karma ( Anema ) 6. Rakta mokdhan
7. Nasya karma 8. Constipation & Gastric Treatment by Panch Karma 
9. Disease and Treatment by  Panch Karma  10. Instruments and Tools of  Panch Karma


*Mandatory/Required Fields
Form No :
Course Name : Diploma in Pancha Karma (D.P.K.)
Course Mode : Correspondence (Postal or Online)
Regular (Class-Camp or at Centre or Online)
* Name :
Sex : Male Female
* Father Husband Guardian:
Permanent Address :
* City/Town/District :
* State / Province :
Postal or Zip Code :
Correspondence Address :
Whatsapp No.:
* Mobile No.:
* E-mail :
Birth Date :
Nationality :
Profession / Occupation :
Education :
Experience (If Any) :
Medium : Hindi English Other
Recommended By :
Idendity Card : If Required for $10 or 500 Extra
Place :
Religion/Caste :
* Mode of Payment for Subscription :     Payment Options
Name as you wish on certificate :      
This is to confirm that I wish to enroll myself for the course. I hereby declare that above information is true to the best of my knowledge.

* Enter code shown in image
Diploma in Pancha Karma (D.P.K.)
Master Diploma in Magnet Therapy (M.D.Mag.) Level- II
Diploma in Magnetic Therapy (D.M.T.)
Diploma in Acupressure Therapy (D.A.T.)
Master Diploma in Su Jok Acu Therapy (M.D.Sujok)
Diploma in Su Jok Acu. Therapy (D.S.T.)
Diploma in Hypnosis Therapy (D.Hy.T.)
Diploma in Crystal Healing (D.Cr.H. )
Diploma in Nadi Vigyan (D.N.V.)
Diploma in Aroma Therapy (D.Ar.T.)
Diploma in Sound Therapy (D.So.T.)
Diploma in Colour Therapy (D.C.T.)
Diploma in Acu. Yoga (D.A.Y.)
Master Diploma in Yoga Therapy (M.D.Yoga)
Diploma in Yoga Therapy (D.Y.T.)
Master Diploma in Vaastu Shastra +  (M.D.Vastu)
Diploma in Feng-Shui (D.F.S.)
Diploma in Pyramid Healing  (D.P.H.)
Diploma in Vaastu Shastra    (D.V.S.)
Grand Master Course in Reiki Healing (G.M.Reiki)
Diploma in Reiki Healing (D.R.H)
Master Degree in Reiki III & M.Degree (M.D.Reiki)
Master Diploma in Jyotish Shastra (M.D.Jy.S)
Diploma in Jyotish Shastra (D.Jy.S)
Diploma in Numerology  (D.Nu.)
Diploma in Alternative Medicine (D.A.M.)
Master Diploma in Alternative Medicine (M.D.A.M.)
Diploma in Acupuncture (D.Ac.) Level - I
Master Diploma in Ayurvedic Acupressure (M.D.Ay.A.)
Diploma in Bach Flower (D.B.F.)
Diploma in Medicinal Massage Therapy (D.Ma.T.)
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